Heavy Metals FAQ

Looking for more clarity about heavy metals and testing? You've come to the right place!

Why are heavy metals in food?  

Heavy metals, including iron, arsenic, cobalt, lead, mercury, copper, and cadmium are naturally occurring in the earth’s soil from thousands of years of natural geological and volcanic processes. When any type of plant is grown in any type of soil, the roots absorb the elements in the surrounding soil and they end up in the harvested produce. Certain types of produce absorb more of a certain element than others in the soil, so the best option is to enjoy a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, and grains for a well-rounded diet.

Are heavy metals harmful?

There are many heavy metals like iron, copper, and zinc, that are essential to maintain healthy bodily functions though we all know ingesting too much of anything can be detrimental to our health. What is “too much” varies depending on the specific element. Some heavy metals are more detrimental than others and scientists are constantly conducting ongoing studies to determine what these levels are.

Humans have been ingesting metals such as arsenic, lead, cadmium, and mercury naturally through the plants we have eaten for millions of years and are not new to our diets. The science to study their effects, track levels, and monitor them in our food is. As the FDA and other scientific bodies evaluate what is healthy, safe, and good for us and our children, we at Sprout Organics do everything we can to monitor and adjust our ingredients to make our products as safe as possible for your little one!

Heavy metal levels in any food (even fresh produce at the grocery store and in your own backyard) can vary due to several factors including where the produce is grown, rainfall levels geographically, and if it is a root vegetable or a fruit grown high above the soil. Soil that is more heavily impacted by human activities such as industrial waste disposal, mining, and pesticide use can be tested at higher levels of heavy metals and other elements.

Is it possible to test at zero heavy metals?

Heavy metals are naturally occurring in the environment. This makes it impossible to fully extract heavy metals from the soil and water at the large scale required for feeding billions of people. The best alternative is to manage safe levels through careful farming practices, scientific studies, and product testing.

How do you keep heavy metal levels low in Sprout Organics products?

We start by testing the raw ingredients we use! It’s not enough to test after the product has been made and ready to go to your home. Before we even produce a recipe, we are making sure the ingredients are within safe levels. Then, we test every batch again before we send our products out across the country.

How do we meet testing standards?

We always aim to create the highest quality, safest, and best-tasting version of our products for your family. This means that we are always working to improve our recipes and ingredient sourcing for many reasons including availability, cost, safety, taste, and texture. We will never sacrifice nutrient density and quality by diluting our recipes with unnecessary fillers like artificial ingredients, water, or other nutrient-deficient items. 

How does the testing work?

We vetted several qualified third-party laboratories to make sure we found one that met both our high standards and those of the government.  Our chosen lab meets proficiency levels of the AB899 and Rudy’s Law Legislative requirements of quantifying at least 6 micrograms of a toxic element to 1 kilogram of food. They also meet the requirement of a z-score that is less than or equal to, plus or minus 2. What does this mean? They are as accurate as presently scientifically possible. We send out samples for testing at their lab, they run the tests, and the results are posted without alteration.

What does PPB mean in the test results?

Parts per billion (ppb) is a unit of measurement that is used in various fields, especially in chemistry, to express incredibly small concentrations of substances in a solution.  It represents one billionth of the total units.

How do I access test results?

With Sprout Organics, it’s simple! Locate and scan the QR code on the back of any product with your smartphone. From there, you will be able to enter the lot code and get results for that specific batch.

Why doesn’t my product have a QR code?

All our products that are made on or after January 1, 2025, will have the QR code available. If you do not see a QR code, it was produced before that date. We have previously set standards and have been testing our products for Heavy Metals long before this deadline. So, not to worry! Your product is safe for your little one! If you’d like, you can request the testing results for your product by emailing us at info@sproutorganics.com with the specific product name and the LOT code that should be stamped on the outside of the package.

Do you still have questions?

We’re here to help! Send us an email and tell us what’s on your mind. We’ll do our best to help you get more information so you can make informed decisions for your family.