Our Standards

Testing & formulation are the two key principles that guide our product standards. We look to experts from the FDA, WHO, USDA, Prop 65, and beyond to ensure we are working with the best information and understanding of evolving legislation, scientific studies, and health needs so that we can deliver high quality products to your family.

Testing Standards

To give ourselves a strong base, we closely review test results for our raw ingredients and select only those that pass with flying colors. That means when it comes time to test the final product, we already have a pretty good idea of what those results will look like.

Why use third-party labs? We use the best labs with the most strenuous accreditation standards to test and deliver unbiased and accurate results. We vetted several third-party labs and found a lab that has repeatedly proven their aptitude for testing protocol and accuracy. This lab clearly meets proficiency levels the AB899 and Rudy’s Law Legislative requires: quantifying at least 6 micrograms a toxic element to 1 kilograms of food as well as a z-score that is less than or equal to, plus or minus 2. What does this mean? They are as accurate as presently scientifically possible.

Formulation Standards

Our recipes for our pouches, snacks, and meals are packed full of ingredients to fuel your growing family’s journey. How do we create a new recipe? We simply start by answering the question, how do we ensure our little ones are getting the nutrition they need in a way that is fun and tasty?

We carefully choose ingredients to help meet the dietary needs of growing kids. We then source those ingredients from farms that provide low toxic element levels. While others may lower the toxic element levels in their products by adding more water, sugar, high fructose corn syrup, or artificial ingredients, we know that every ingredient counts. We promise to never water down or dilute our nutritionally rich recipes with water or other fillers to meet toxic testing standards and deprive your child of the vitamins, minerals, fiber, and nutrients that are essential for their healthy growth.